Crushed Rock & Road Base

Specified Road Base
Supplier of various specified road base products such as DGS40, DGS20, DGB20, DGB20HD, and other materials in NSW.
Blended Recycled Roadbase
Consisting of a blend of recycled material, our blended recycled roadbase is generally made from crushed concrete and processed hard rock.
Cement Treated Roadbase
Consisting of a mixture of natural or recycled crushed rock, fines, cement and water, our cement treated roadbase is a versatile option for pavement construction.
Fine Crushed Rock and Unspecified Roadbase
Available as coarse or fine aggregate to maximise compaction, our fine crushed rock and unspecified roadbase is well graded material and can be produced to specific customer requirements to suit any project.
Non Spec Roadbase
Available as coarse or fine aggregate to maximise compaction, our roadbase is well graded material and can be produced to specific customer requirements.
Specific requirements can include particle size, grading, plasticity, unsound and other design criteria.